Gables Perfect Smile

Invisalign - Sometimes What You Can't See Can Help You

May 1, 2010 @ 01:14 AM — by
Tagged with: Invisalign Invisible Braces Cosmetic Dentistry Dentist Orthodontic

There was a time when, if you wanted to immediately improve the appearance of your teeth, you turned to a cosmetic dentistry practice. If you wanted to straighten your teeth and improve your bite, however, you went to a general dentist who would place conspicuous and often uncomfortable metal wires and brackets on your teeth. If you wanted a cosmetic solution to an orthodontic problem, your best bet was to go to sleep, because it existed only in dreams.

Until Recently

Invisalign® clear aligners – sometimes referred to as “invisible braces” – allow patients to straighten their teeth and correct their bites in approximately the same amount of time as traditional metal braces. However, because they are made of clear plastic, they are barely noticeable, even up close. This makes Invisalign® an ideal treatment option for adults and adolescents who wish to improve their oral health without compromising their smiles.


                              Before and After Invisalign® Treatment


Practical Benefits

In addition to their obvious cosmetic benefits, Invisalign® aligners offer a number of practical benefits. Because the aligners are removable, patients can eat whatever they like, whenever they like, including foods that traditional brace wearers must avoid. They can also be removed for dental hygiene purposes, making brushing, flossing, and cleaning the teeth far more convenient. As long as the aligners are worn a full 21 to 22 hours each day, treatment will not be affected by their occasional removal.

Contact Us Today

Literally and figuratively, Invisalign® offers a clear alternative to traditional metal braces. To find out whether you could benefit from this extraordinary breakthrough in orthodontic treatment, please contact Dr. Gloria Ospina at Gables Perfect Smile, Serving the Coral Gables and Miami Beach areas.