Gables Perfect Smile

Cosmetic Gum Surgery - Goodbye, Gummy Smile

Oct 28, 2010 @ 01:56 AM — by
Tagged with: Cosmetic Gum Surgery Laser Dentistry Gummy Smile Cosmetic Dentistry Smile Makeover

Whether you are greeting a friend, responding to a compliment, or embracing someone you love, each day offers many opportunities to smile. However, some people are hesitant to show their teeth because of excess gum tissue. This tissue can obscure the teeth, making them look unusually short and misshapen. Fortunately, advances in laser dentistry offer those with “gummy” smiles a truly excellent reason to smile. At Gables Perfect Smile, the cosmetic dentistry practice of Dr. Gloria Ospina in Coral Gables, we use the Waterlase® MD dental laser to gently and precisely recontour the gums and create dazzling, uniform smiles.

Laser gum surgery is one of the simplest and most effective procedures in cosmetic dentistry. The Waterlase® MD dental laser uses a laser-charged stream of water to remove gum tissue. This extraordinary technology allows for the procedure to be performed with little or no discomfort on the part of the patient; indeed, most patients require no anesthetic shot prior to treatment. There are no major risks associated with cosmetic gum surgery, and the results are immediate and permanent. Patients emerge from treatment with dramatically improved smiles.

Over the years, Dr. Ospina and her staff have witnessed firsthand the profound effect that cosmetic dentistry can have on people’s lives. One such recent case involved a patient named Ana Cristina, who came to our Miami-area office in Coral Gables unhappy with her smile. She was missing a front tooth, and her upper lip essentially disappeared whenever she smiled. Dr. Ospina noticed that Ana was particularly embarrassed by the amount of gum tissue she showed when she laughed.

As part of Ana’s smile makeover, Dr. Ospina replaced the missing front tooth and surgically reduced the amount of gum tissue that was extending down onto the teeth. Please keep in mind that Ana's Gum line was never touched, there was no treatment done to the gum, the entire work by Dr. Ospina was done under Ana's lip. Now, thanks to the transformative power of laser gum surgery, Ana no longer covers her mouth when she laughs and now enjoys a full upper lip when she smiles. As you can see in the before-and-after photos above, Ana truly has a smile she can now be proud to flash at every opportunity. Ana is currently finalizing her treatment with Invisalign.

For patients with gummy smiles, cosmetic gum surgery is a potentially life-altering treatment. Along with porcelain veneers, this breakthrough laser dentistry treatment is one of the fundamental ingredients of many smile makeovers. If you are interested in learning more about how laser gum surgery could transform your smile, please contact Dr. Gloria Ospina, one of the premier cosmetic dentists in Coral Gables and the greater Miami area.