Gables Perfect Smile

MDI - Mini Dental Implants

Jan 15, 2011 @ 02:02 PM — by
Tagged with: Dental Implants Implant Dentistry Mdi Mini Dental Implants

When you have lost even one tooth, you know just what an effect it can have on you self-esteem and the appearance of your smile. Just a single missing tooth can lead to some level of bone deterioration in the space left by the missing tooth. And of course, there are issues related to the appearance of your smile and the ability to eat certain foods.

For these reasons, people come to our Miami Beach cosmetic dentistry office in order to improve the appearance of their smiles and the overall health of their mouths. Dentures and dental bridges are both great options for filling those gaps left by missing teeth, especially if they are supported by dental implants. However, another option for supporting dental bridges, dental crowns, and dentures exists that you many not be aware of.

That option is mini dental implants, or MDI. Mini dental implants work much faster than traditional dental implants and are also less expensive, generally one-third the cost of regular dental implants. The best part about mini dental implants is that they are sturdy and secure just like traditional dental implants.

With standard dental implants, there is a period known as osseointegration that must take place before the dental implants are truly secure. Osseointegration means that the dental implants must gradually fuse with bone and soft tissue over a few months. With mini dental implants, placing the implants and securing an artificial tooth or denture can be completed within a few hours.

The first step of this Miami Beach dental implants procedure is to anesthetize the patient so he or she feels no discomfort or pain. A special drill is then used in order to create a small housing in the tooth gap to support the mini dental implant. The mini dental implant is then sealed into place and the anchored fit is ensured by your dentist. The replacement tooth, dental bridge, or denture is then snapped into place. That’s that. The patient can even eat dinner just as usual the same night as getting the mini dental implants placed.

To learn more about mini dental implants and your many options for excellent dental care, contact our cosmetic dentistry office in Coral Gables for a consultation.