Gables Perfect Smile

Top Six Dental Problems in Patients

Jan 19, 2011 @ 11:44 AM — by
Tagged with: Dental Cosmetic Dentistry

Most people, at one time or another, will experience an issue or issues with their oral health. It is important to know what to look for and how to prevent problems to ensure that you keep your teeth and gums healthy. Miami Beach porcelain veneers expert Gloria Ospina reviews the six most common dental problems that occur in patients.

1) Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs when plaque produces acids that wear down tooth enamel. Brushing twice daily, flossing every day, and seeing your dentist regularly can help prevent tooth decay.

2) Gum (Periodontal) Disease

Periodontal disease is one of the primary causes of tooth loss in adults. It has also been linked to heart disease and strokes. If caught in the early stages of gingivitis, it can be treated and reversed. However, if treatment is not received, the gingivitis may advance into periodontitis, which could lead to bone loss. Proper oral hygiene habits are the best prevention against gum disease.

3) Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity occurs if you experience pain or discomfort to your teeth. This can be caused by sweets, cold air, hot drinks, or cold drinks. Sensitive teeth may be treated at your dentist’s office with a fluoride treatment that will help strengthen the tooth enamel. Tooth sensitivity can also be treated by using desensitizing toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth.

4) Discolored/Stained Teeth

Stains and discoloration are common side effects of smoking and drinking tea or coffee.  Over-the-counter remedies are available and easy to use as a quick fix for discoloration.  Additionally, professional bleaching is now one of the most popular options available.

5) Unattractive Smile

An unattractive smile can lead to feelings of severe insecurity.  Our Miami Beach cosmetic dentistry practice offers a number of treatments that can improve the appearance of an unattractive smiles, including teeth whitening, placement of porcelain veneers, and invisalign®.

6) Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that can form in the lining of the cheeks, gums, roof of the mouth, tongue, and lips.  If diagnosed and treated early, oral cancer is often highly curable.  Patients should be screened for oral cancer at their regular dental checkups. Tobacco use is the primary risk factor in oral cancer, along with others factors such as age and extended exposure to radiation or sunlight. If you notice any type of lesion in your mouth area that doesn’t heal within two weeks, or if you have difficulty swallowing, see your dentist right away.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to improve the health and appearance of your smile.