Gables Perfect Smile

Most Common Smile Makeover Treatments

Jan 24, 2011 @ 09:42 PM — by
Tagged with: Smile Makeover Teeth Whitening Porcelain Veneers Dental Implants

Do you have a smile that you wish looked more attractive and was more appealing? Maybe you have some functional problems with your smile as well you wouldn’t mind getting addressed. If those both ring true, then it’s important that you consider getting a smile makeover. At our Miami cosmetic dentistry office, we have many ways to help your dental health reach its fullest potential. While the following list below is not all encompassing, they are the most common and popular smile makeover options there are.

Teeth Whitening

You smile tarnished and dingy rather than bright and white? If so, it’s best to undergo a professional teeth whitening treatment in our office rather than relying on a tooth whitening product you can buy in a store. Professional whitening is much more effective and powerful.

Porcelain Veneers

Miami porcelain veneers are able to tackle multiple dental problems in different ways. Want to know how versatile the thin ceramic porcelain veneers are? Well, they can remedy problems associated with chipped teeth, cracked teeth, slightly misaligned teeth, and extremely stained teeth.


Most people think that the only way to take care of crooked teeth is getting traditional metal braces. Well, there’s another option to consider, and that is Invisalign®. This teeth straitening system is able to adjust the overall order of your teeth using clear plastic aligners that are hard to notice.

Dental Implants

When you’re missing one tooth or many teeth, it’s a good idea to consider getting dental implants. Rather than having removable dentures or dental bridges that can slip, dental implants will act as artificial tooth roots and will anchor your replacement teeth into position so they do not budge.

TMJ Disorder Treatment

Sometimes the problem is not with the teeth but with the jaw. There are many ways we can help remedy disorders of the jaw joint, or TMJ. We’ll custom tailor the solution to meet the unique problem you may be experiencing.

For a consultation with Dr. Gloria Ospina, be sure to contact our Coral Gables, Florida cosmetic dentistry office. We look forward to meeting with you.