Gables Perfect Smile

Common Dental Problems in Children and Teens

Feb 27, 2011 @ 03:43 PM — by
Tagged with: Dental Care Dental Health

Children and teens face many different dental problems growing up. As they grow up, it’s important that they visit the dentist regularly and that they develop good dental care habits that will last into adulthood. The team here at our Miami cosmetic dentistry office would like to take a few quick minutes to go over some of these dental problems that children and teens will face. We’ll also go over various ways that these problems can be avoided or fixed.

Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities and tooth decay are a big problem for people of all ages, but it’s an especially big concern for young children. For toddlers, there may be issues with tooth decay caused by milk in their baby bottles. (It’s important to give your child water in their baby bottle at night as they sleep to avoid this sort of problem.) For older children and teens, cavities remain an issue. Be sure that your child or teen brushes or flosses regularly. If there is a cavity or tooth decay, we have fillings and dental bonding solutions to keep in mind.

Thumbsucking and Nail Biting

Sometimes children will suck their thumbs or fingers past their toddler, which needs to be stopped since it may affect the way their teeth grow in. Nail biting is another bad habit that may persist through the teens and even adulthood, which can affect the condition of the teeth. Be sure that this behavior is discouraged after age four.

Crooked Teeth

Not every smile is going to be perfect, and you can expect that your child and teen’s permanent teeth will maybe be a little crooked. Sometimes this is manageable, though other times some type of orthodontic care will be required. For crooked teeth, braces are a great idea, and there’s Invisalign® , which is a good option to consider for older teens nearing young adulthood.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are extra molars that appear on the top and bottom rows of teeth during young adulthood. When the teeth don’t grow in properly, they can impact the existing teeth a person has, leading to a lot of pain and discomfort. The best way to deal with these issues is wisdom tooth removal, which involves a safe oral surgery.

To learn more about your options for dental care and to learn about Miami cosmetic gum surgery and other dental health treatments, please contact our Coral Gables cosmetic dentistry office today.