Gum Surgery: Alex

Gum Surgery: Alex - Before
Gum Surgery: Alex - After
Gum Surgery: Alex - Before
Gum Surgery: Alex - After


Alex is a young man in his early twenties and wanted to reduce the amount of gum he showed when he smiles. Upon evaluating his case in our Coral Gables, Miami office, Dr. Ospina recommended the following course of treatment for him. First, Alex had an in office chair-side Zoom! Two whitening procedure performed. Then the Gummy Smile Reduction Surgery was performed one week later. Lastly, he had light gum contouring performed to increase the amount of tooth shown when he smiles, while evening out the tooth gum line. Notice how the slanted appearance of his smile has been reduced with the combination of both procedures. Two weeks after his crown lengthening Dr. Ospina performed lip reposition to bring the lip down.

Dr. Gloria Ospina of Gables Perfect Smile in Coral Gables, FL

Gables Perfect Smile

Gables Perfect Smile has what you need to maintain the health of your mouth, improve the functionality of your teeth, and fine-tune the appearance of your smile. Gloria Ospina is affiliated with prominent organizations like the:

  • American Dental Association
  • Florida Dental Association
  • South Florida District Dental Association
  • World Laser Institute
  • International Congress of Oral Implantologists - Implant Prosthetic Section

Let our relaxing Coral Gables, FL, office help you transform your smile. Fill out our contact form or call us at (305) 443-8225 to get started.

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